#donatooogoesmetal Magnitude Hammersonic 2016 review

Finally! For the first time ever, I attend the biggest metal festival in South East Asia, Magnitude Hammersonic 2016. The 2-days festival (April 16th – 17th 2016) didn’t only provide you 2 usual stages, but 4! However, being 2-days doesn’t mean it’s gonna be expensive because guess what, it’s totally free on the first day! Continue reading #donatooogoesmetal Magnitude Hammersonic 2016 review

#donatooogoesmetal, Metal Convention at Magnitude Hammersonic 2016? Why Not!

It is no doubt that you’ve listened to the old saying of “Results don’t lie”, right? Though sometimes we felt that the universe isn’t on our side, but as the matter of fact, rad result comes from a great effort. Somehow I can relate this to Indonesia’s music scene, especially metal scene. Have you ever wonder, why most metal gigs from studio show even giant festival will most likely full? Be it non cross-genre ones filled with only stoner or death metal bands and the cross-genre ones. It’s because you are now eating the fruits produced by your favorite metal warriors who tirelessly gave this scene a longer breath. Continue reading #donatooogoesmetal, Metal Convention at Magnitude Hammersonic 2016? Why Not!

#donatooogoesmetal, Magnitude Hammersonic 2016!

If you meticulously follow my twitter feed (which is most unlikely), at least you get the tiny bit of idea about it. Why #donatooogoesmetal? Because it’s going to be my first Hammersonic experience in #MagnitudeHammersonic2016 on the next April 16th – 17th! Gonna have to strengthen my steel soul first. Why do I’m interested going there?  Continue reading #donatooogoesmetal, Magnitude Hammersonic 2016!

Introducing : UNCANNY

For the love of God, I actually envy every musicians I’ve posted in this blog. Every gigs I watched, every musicians I shot, and every songs I listened reminds me of my undproductivity in terms of music. My life has been unbalanced (this is a little too much by the way) since my highschool band, SPACELAND!, went very unproductive lately. We’re lack of gigs and as the result, I’ve forgotten how it feels to be on stage. My musical journey back in highschool was far more delightful than it is now. I miss evaluating our performance rather than planning future plans. Arising from the frustration, my inner teen angst burs out in rage against my unproductive self into creating something new, something fresh. For that, let me introduce you to my ongoing-process new project, UNCANNY!  Continue reading Introducing : UNCANNY

A Late “Kesan Tentang Rasa” Submission

I. Have. A. Very, very, very. Ugly handwriting. Let alone writing in the dark with minimum visibility of what i’m writing. So before I jump to the “Konser Tentang Rasa” impression, let me apologize for not being able to submit the “feeling” card during and after the event, Mba Lani. He. Besides, the card would possibly can’t hold my “feelings” that I’m about to express now.
Continue reading A Late “Kesan Tentang Rasa” Submission

Introducing: Rayhan The Daydreamers!

Have you seen “Rayhan Sudrajat” pages under the Projects menu above? If you do (or for those who haven’t, I suggest you start clicking the page so that we are on the same frequency here), now you must have familiar with his name or his background. Now, let me introduce you their (Rayhan Sudrajat as in the band’s name) new name, Rayhan The Daydreamers! Continue reading Introducing: Rayhan The Daydreamers!